Chemical Peels

Crawford Cosmetics utilizes the power of superficial and medium depth medical grade chemical peels to achieve truly remarkable and noticeable results. A chemical peel is a skin resurfacing treatment in which a chemical solution is applied to debride the top layers of skin. The skin that grows back after a chemical peel is smoother and younger looking.


A peel that won’t put your social plans on hold! A complete cosmetic procedure, painless, needle free, and suitable for ALL skin types and areas of the body. You’ll see immediate results and an instant glow! BioRePeel sheds dead skin cells, exfoliates the skin’s surface, hydrates, and reveals a more youthful looking appearance to the skin. Long term, BioRePeel helps fight fine lines and wrinkles, lift pigmentation, even skin texture, and alleviates acne and scarring. General recommendation is 4-6 treatments 7-10 days apart.

  • What is BioRePeel?

    BioRePeel is a bio-stimulation and exfoliation treatment designed to improve the skin's texture and appearance. It involves the application of a unique combination of natural acids and biomimetic peptides.

    How does BioRePeel work?

    BioRePeel combines the exfoliating effects of specific acids, such as glycolic acid and salicylic acid, with biomimetic peptides to stimulate the skin's natural regeneration process, promoting collagen production and improving skin texture.

    What skin concerns does BioRePeel address?

    BioRePeel is effective in addressing various skin concerns, including fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, uneven skin tone, and overall skin rejuvenation.

    Is BioRePeel suitable for all skin types?

    BioRePeel is generally suitable for a variety of skin types. However, individual reactions can vary, and it's essential to consult with a skincare professional to determine the suitability for your specific skin type and condition.

    How long does a BioRePeel treatment session take?

    The duration of a BioRePeel session typically ranges from 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the specific protocol used and the areas being treated.

    Is BioRePeel painful?

    Most individuals find BioRePeel to be a relatively comfortable procedure. Some may experience mild tingling or warmth during the application of the solution.

    How many BioRePeel sessions are needed for optimal results?

    The number of recommended sessions varies based on individual skin concerns and goals. A series of sessions, often spaced a few weeks apart, may be recommended for optimal results.

    Can BioRePeel be combined with other skincare treatments?

    BioRePeel can be combined with other skincare treatments, such as microneedling or laser therapy, to enhance overall skin rejuvenation. However, the combination of treatments should be determined by a skincare professional.

    Is there any downtime after BioRePeel?

    Downtime is typically minimal, and many individuals can resume their normal activities immediately after the BioRePeel. Some mild redness or peeling may occur, but this is usually temporary.

    Can BioRePeel be used on sensitive skin?

    BioRePeel is generally well-tolerated, but individuals with sensitive skin should consult with a skincare professional to determine the most suitable treatment plan and solution strength.

    When will I see results from BioRePeel?

    Results may be noticeable shortly after the first session, but the full benefits of BioRePeel are often seen gradually over the course of several weeks as the skin continues to regenerate.

    Is BioRePeel safe?

    When performed by a trained and qualified skincare professional, BioRePeel is considered a safe and effective treatment. It is crucial to follow recommended guidelines for pre and post-treatment care.

  • $200 / $150 CC

  • The purpose of this consent form is to provide written information regarding the risks, benefits and alternatives of treatment with chemical peels. This material serves as a supplement to the discussion you have with your Crawford Cosmetics provider. It’s important that you fully understand this material, so please read this information thoroughly. If you have any questions regarding the procedure, ask your Crawford Cosmetics provider prior to signing this consent form.


    Chemical peels are used for numerous purposes, including reduction of fine lines, wrinkles, scarring, hyperpigmentation, and skin rejuvenation and skin tightening. Chemical peels are a form of chemical exfoliation, and are used to slough off the dull, top layers of skin, and stimulate fresh healthy skin cells underneath. This accelerates cell turnover and stimulation of collagen-making cells. The depth and intensity of the peel depends on the specific type of chemical solution used, and the technique of application. You may experience some stinging or burning during application of the peel, but overall, treatment is usually tolerated without significant difficulty. Following the procedure, a skin peeling effect is normal, and the skin may feel tight, dry, and sensitive to touch for a number of days. For some patients, especially darker skin types, we may advise a specific pre- and post treatment skincare regimen, in order to calm melanocytes and avoid post-treatment hyperpigmentation.


    Most patients are pleased with the results of their chemical peel treatment. However, like any aesthetic procedure, there is no guarantee that you will be completely satisfied. There is no guarantee that your skin condition will disappear completely, or that you will not require additional treatment to achieve the results you seek. Multiple treatments are needed to achieve a full effect, with a usual recommendation of 3-6 treatments, spaced a number of weeks apart. Additional treatments may be required periodically, generally every 6-12 months. The results of treatment are dependent on many factors including but not limited to: age, sex, tissue condilions, your general health and lifestyleconditions, and sun exposure.

    AFTERCARE INSTRUCTIONS Following your chemical peel, we'll provide you with verbal and/or written aftercare instructions. These include, but may not be limited to the following: 1)Await the recommended amount of time to cleanse your face (this will depend on the specific type of peel used); 2) Use a gentle cleanser twice daily, and apply calming moisturizer with SPF as often as needed; 3) Apply any recommended post-peel towelettes or topical hydrocortisone as directed; 4) Okay to resume hydroquinone or tretinoin once skin flaking has subsided, around 2-7 days; 5) Avoid vigorous exercise, sauna, jacuzzi or swimming for 72 hour or while actively peelings,6) Okay to resume regular makeup once peel has been washed from the skin; 7) Avoid intentional sun exposure for at least 2 weeks; 8) Abstain from facial laser treatments, waxing, microdermabrasion and microneedling for at least 2 weeks; 9) If at any time you suspect you're having an unexpected side effect, adverse reaction or complication, contact us immediately, and obtain help in an appropriate medical setting (i.e., Crawford Cosmetics, your primary care provider, specialist, urgent care, or acute care facility). I will adhere to the aftercare instructions supplied to me during my visit.


    Before undergoing this procedure, understanding the risks is essential. The following risks may occur, but there may be unforeseen risks and risks that are not included on this list. Some of these risks, if they occur, may necessitate hospitalization, and/or extended outpatient therapy. There are certain inherent and potential risks and side effects in any dermatologic procedure, and in this specific instance such risks include but are not limited to: 1) Temporary redness and mild sunburn-like effect; 2) Flaking or dryness of the skin, and in rare cases scab formation; 3) Scarring (usually from picking prematurely at the skln); 4) Rarely, post treatment bacterial, and/or fungal infection requiring further treatment; 5) Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation which can occur infrequently, and may resolve or remain permanent, and may require further treatment and follow up; 6) Post treatment discomfort/swelling.


    I am not aware that I am pregnant. I am not trying to get pregnant. I am not lactating (nursing). I do not have active herpes, active cold sores, psoriasis, warts, raised moles, sunburn, or active skin infection. I have not taken Accutane in the past six months. I have not had laser treatment, waxing, or microneedling in the last week.


    I understand that this is an elective procedure with the goal of improved aesthetic appearance and that the main alternative to therapy is to observe and not receive any treatment. Other available therapies might include sun protection, moisturizers, injectables, skin resurfacing, or surgery.


    I understand that my chemical peel treatment is not covered by insurance, and payment is my responsibility and is expected at the time of treatment.


    I understand that I have the right to discontinue my chemical peel treatment at any time.


    I hereby indemnify Crawford Cosmetics, LLC from any liability relating to the procedures that I have volunteered for. I understand that any treatment performed is between me and the doctor/healthcare provider who is treating me and I will direct all post-treatment questions or concerns to the treating clinician. Furthermore, I hereby indemnify the facility/meeting room/hotel where this treatment is being performed from any liability relating to the procedures that I have volunteered for.


    I hereby voluntarily consent to treatment with chemical peel for the purpose of general skin rejuvenation and improvement of wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, scarring and acne, as performed by my Crawford Cosmetics provider, and assistant technicians. I have read the above and understand it. I state that I read and write in English. I am not under the influence of drugs or alcohol. The treatment has been fully explained to me and my questions have been answered satisfactorily. I accept the risks and complications of this elective procedure and I understand that no guarantees are implied as to the outcome of the procedure. Please note this consent is valid for all future chemical peel treatments I choose to receive from Crawford Cosmetics.

  • Pre-Treatment

    Discontinue Certain Products:

    Avoid using retinoids or products containing retinol for several days before the treatment, as these may increase skin sensitivity.

    Discontinue Exfoliating Products:

    Stop using harsh exfoliants or chemical peels at least one week before the BioRePeel.

    Inform About Medications:

    Inform your skincare professional about any medications or supplements you are taking, as certain medications may affect the treatment.

    Avoid Sun Exposure:

    Minimize sun exposure and tanning beds for at least a week prior to the BioRePeel. Sunburned skin is not suitable for the treatment.

    Arrive with a Clean Face:

    Come to your appointment with a clean face, free from makeup and skincare products.

    Post-Treatment Instructions

    Avoid Sun Exposure:

    Protect your skin from direct sunlight for at least 48 hours after the BioRePeel. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher if you need to be outdoors.

    Refrain from Exfoliating Products:

    Avoid using exfoliating products, retinoids, or products containing retinol for several days after the BioRePeel.

    Stay Hydrated:

    Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and promote overall skin health.

    Use Gentle Skincare Products:

    Stick to gentle, hydrating skincare products after the BioRePeel. Consult with your skincare professional if you have any doubts about your post-treatment routine.

    Avoid Saunas and Hot Baths:

    Skip saunas, hot baths, and excessive heat exposure for at least 48 hours post-treatment to prevent irritation.

    Do Not Pick or Squeeze:

    Refrain from picking, squeezing, or scratching the treated area to avoid irritation and infection.

    Be Patient:

    Allow time for your skin to heal and for the results of the BioRePeel to become apparent. Results may vary, and multiple sessions may be recommended for optimal outcomes.

  • Our goal is to provide quality aesthetic treatments to all our clients in a timely manner. No-shows, late arrivals, and cancellations inconvenience not only our providers, but our other clients as well. Please be aware of our policy regarding missed appointments. Your appointments and well-being are very important to us. We understand that sometimes unexpected issues arise.

    Appointment Cancellation

    Our policy enforces a late cancellation fee for cancellations made with less than a 72-hour notice. It is important to understand that you will forfeit your deposit for any appointment cancelled inside the 72-hour cancellation window. If you no call/no show, in addition to forfeiting your deposit, you will be charged a fee of $100. We take No call/No shows very seriously. We make all efforts to avoid these fees for you by sending multiple texts and email reminders that allow ample time to cancel or reschedule your appt with us.

    When you book your appointment, you are holding a space on our calendar that is no longer available to our other clients. To hold this appointment, we require a credit card on file, and partially refundable $75 deposit for appointments under 30 mins ($67.50 will be refunded), and $200 partially refundable deposit for appointments over 30 mins ($180 will be refunded). Shorter appointments with our estheticians require a smaller deposit and are partially refundable. Other appointment deposits many vary. The deposit will be applied toward the cost of your treatment and is partially refundable if you do not receive treatment at the time of your appointment. In order to be respectful of your fellow clients, please notify your Crawford Cosmetics provider as soon as you know you will not be able to make your appointment.

    Please note, if you are more then 10 minutes late for your scheduled appointment, your appointment will be automatically cancelled, you will lose your deposit, and will be charged the additional no show fee of $100.

    If cancellation is necessary, we require that you call, text, or cancel online at least 72 hours in advance. Appointments are in high demand, and your advanced notice will allow another client access to that appointment time. As we are closed over the weekend, if you have a Monday appointment, we require that you cancel the Wednesday before by 5pm. If you have a Tuesday appointment, we require that you cancel the Thursday before by 5pm at the latest. Appointments are in high demand, and your advanced notice will allow another client access to that appointment time.

    How to Cancel Your Appointment

    If you need to cancel your appointment and are enrolled in text message reminders, you can reply "no" to the reminder text that you will receive 4 days prior to the appointment. Other options are: cancel online, call or text the scheduling line, Port Huron (248) 285-9876 or Royal Oak (248) 221-1895, during regular business hours, or text your Crawford Cosmetics provider. If necessary, please leave a detailed voicemail message and we will return your call as soon as possible. Please note, if you cancel your appointment through our automatic text message reminder or online, you must reach out to us for the refund, as is not returned automatically and remains on file unless a refund is requested.

    Late Cancellations vs. No-Shows

    A cancellation is considered late when the appointment is cancelled with less than 72 hours' notice. A no-show is when a client misses an appointment without cancelling.

    It is important to understand that you will forfeit your deposit for any appointment cancelled inside the 72hour cancellation window. If you no call/no show, in addition to forfeiting your deposit, you will be charged a fee of $100. These fees will automatically be applied to the credit card on file. If the credit card is rejected, any fee that is owed must be paid in full prior to booking any future appointments.

    I confirm that I have read, understand and agree to the above policy.

Obagi Blue Peel Radiance

Gently exfoliates the uppermost damaged skin layer, leaving your skin radiant, renewed, and refreshed with little to no downtime.

  • What is Obagi Blue Peel Radiance?

    Obagi Blue Peel Radiance is a superficial chemical peel designed to improve the appearance of the skin by exfoliating dead skin cells and promoting skin renewal.

    How does Obagi Blue Peel Radiance work?

    The peel contains a blend of salicylic acid, lactic acid, and other ingredients to exfoliate the skin's surface, unclog pores, and improve skin texture.

    What skin concerns does Obagi Blue Peel Radiance address?

    Obagi Blue Peel Radiance is effective in addressing various skin concerns, including uneven skin tone, fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, and overall skin rejuvenation.

    Is Obagi Blue Peel Radiance suitable for all skin types?

    Obagi Blue Peel Radiance is suitable for a range of skin types. However, individual reactions can vary, and a consultation with a skincare professional is recommended to determine suitability.

    How long does an Obagi Blue Peel Radiance treatment session take?

    The actual peel application typically takes about 20 to 30 minutes, making it a relatively quick procedure.

    Is Obagi Blue Peel Radiance painful?

    Most individuals experience a mild tingling sensation during the peel application. A numbing cream may be applied before the procedure to enhance comfort.

    How many Obagi Blue Peel Radiance sessions are needed for optimal results?

    The number of recommended sessions varies based on individual skin concerns. A series of peels, often spaced a few weeks apart, may be recommended for optimal results.

    Can Obagi Blue Peel Radiance be combined with other skincare treatments?

    Obagi Blue Peel Radiance can be used as a standalone treatment or in combination with other skincare procedures to enhance overall skin rejuvenation. Consultation with a skincare professional is crucial for personalized recommendations.

    Is there any downtime after Obagi Blue Peel Radiance?

    Downtime is typically minimal. Some redness and peeling may occur, but this is usually temporary and can be managed with proper post-treatment care.

    Can Obagi Blue Peel Radiance be used on sensitive skin?

    Obagi Blue Peel Radiance is generally well-tolerated, but individuals with sensitive skin should inform their skincare professional, who can adjust the peel strength and formulation accordingly.

    When will I see results from Obagi Blue Peel Radiance?

    Some improvement may be noticeable after the first session, but optimal results are often seen after completing a series of peels as the skin undergoes the renewal process.

    Is Obagi Blue Peel Radiance safe?

    When performed by a trained and qualified skincare professional, Obagi Blue Peel Radiance is considered safe. It is crucial to follow recommended guidelines for pre and post-treatment care.

  • $85 / $75 CC

  • The purpose of this consent form is to provide written information regarding the risks, benefits and alternatives of treatment with chemical peels. This material serves as a supplement to the discussion you have with your Crawford Cosmetics provider. It’s important that you fully understand this material, so please read this information thoroughly. If you have any questions regarding the procedure, ask your Crawford Cosmetics provider prior to signing this consent form.


    Chemical peels are used for numerous purposes, including reduction of fine lines, wrinkles, scarring, hyperpigmentation, and skin rejuvenation and skin tightening. Chemical peels are a form of chemical exfoliation, and are used to slough off the dull, top layers of skin, and stimulate fresh healthy skin cells underneath. This accelerates cell turnover and stimulation of collagen-making cells. The depth and intensity of the peel depends on the specific type of chemical solution used, and the technique of application. You may experience some stinging or burning during application of the peel, but overall, treatment is usually tolerated without significant difficulty. Following the procedure, a skin peeling effect is normal, and the skin may feel tight, dry, and sensitive to touch for a number of days. For some patients, especially darker skin types, we may advise a specific pre- and post treatment skincare regimen, in order to calm melanocytes and avoid post-treatment hyperpigmentation.


    Most patients are pleased with the results of their chemical peel treatment. However, like any aesthetic procedure, there is no guarantee that you will be completely satisfied. There is no guarantee that your skin condition will disappear completely, or that you will not require additional treatment to achieve the results you seek. Multiple treatments are needed to achieve a full effect, with a usual recommendation of 3-6 treatments, spaced a number of weeks apart. Additional treatments may be required periodically, generally every 6-12 months. The results of treatment are dependent on many factors including but not limited to: age, sex, tissue condilions, your general health and lifestyleconditions, and sun exposure.

    AFTERCARE INSTRUCTIONS Following your chemical peel, we'll provide you with verbal and/or written aftercare instructions. These include, but may not be limited to the following: 1)Await the recommended amount of time to cleanse your face (this will depend on the specific type of peel used); 2) Use a gentle cleanser twice daily, and apply calming moisturizer with SPF as often as needed; 3) Apply any recommended post-peel towelettes or topical hydrocortisone as directed; 4) Okay to resume hydroquinone or tretinoin once skin flaking has subsided, around 2-7 days; 5) Avoid vigorous exercise, sauna, jacuzzi or swimming for 72 hour or while actively peelings,6) Okay to resume regular makeup once peel has been washed from the skin; 7) Avoid intentional sun exposure for at least 2 weeks; 8) Abstain from facial laser treatments, waxing, microdermabrasion and microneedling for at least 2 weeks; 9) If at any time you suspect you're having an unexpected side effect, adverse reaction or complication, contact us immediately, and obtain help in an appropriate medical setting (i.e., Crawford Cosmetics, your primary care provider, specialist, urgent care, or acute care facility). I will adhere to the aftercare instructions supplied to me during my visit.


    Before undergoing this procedure, understanding the risks is essential. The following risks may occur, but there may be unforeseen risks and risks that are not included on this list. Some of these risks, if they occur, may necessitate hospitalization, and/or extended outpatient therapy. There are certain inherent and potential risks and side effects in any dermatologic procedure, and in this specific instance such risks include but are not limited to: 1) Temporary redness and mild sunburn-like effect; 2) Flaking or dryness of the skin, and in rare cases scab formation; 3) Scarring (usually from picking prematurely at the skln); 4) Rarely, post treatment bacterial, and/or fungal infection requiring further treatment; 5) Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation which can occur infrequently, and may resolve or remain permanent, and may require further treatment and follow up; 6) Post treatment discomfort/swelling.


    I am not aware that I am pregnant. I am not trying to get pregnant. I am not lactating (nursing). I do not have active herpes, active cold sores, psoriasis, warts, raised moles, sunburn, or active skin infection. I have not taken Accutane in the past six months. I have not had laser treatment, waxing, or microneedling in the last week.


    I understand that this is an elective procedure with the goal of improved aesthetic appearance and that the main alternative to therapy is to observe and not receive any treatment. Other available therapies might include sun protection, moisturizers, injectables, skin resurfacing, or surgery.


    I understand that my chemical peel treatment is not covered by insurance, and payment is my responsibility and is expected at the time of treatment.


    I understand that I have the right to discontinue my chemical peel treatment at any time.


    I hereby indemnify Crawford Cosmetics, LLC from any liability relating to the procedures that I have volunteered for. I understand that any treatment performed is between me and the doctor/healthcare provider who is treating me and I will direct all post-treatment questions or concerns to the treating clinician. Furthermore, I hereby indemnify the facility/meeting room/hotel where this treatment is being performed from any liability relating to the procedures that I have volunteered for.


    I hereby voluntarily consent to treatment with chemical peel for the purpose of general skin rejuvenation and improvement of wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, scarring and acne, as performed by my Crawford Cosmetics provider, and assistant technicians. I have read the above and understand it. I state that I read and write in English. I am not under the influence of drugs or alcohol. The treatment has been fully explained to me and my questions have been answered satisfactorily. I accept the risks and complications of this elective procedure and I understand that no guarantees are implied as to the outcome of the procedure. Please note this consent is valid for all future chemical peel treatments I choose to receive from Crawford Cosmetics.

  • Pre-Treatment

    Discontinue Certain Products:

    Avoid using retinoids or products containing retinol for several days before the treatment, as these may increase skin sensitivity.

    Discontinue Exfoliating Products:

    Stop using harsh exfoliants or chemical peels at least one week before the BioRePeel.

    Inform About Medications:

    Inform your skincare professional about any medications or supplements you are taking, as certain medications may affect the treatment.

    Avoid Sun Exposure:

    Minimize sun exposure and tanning beds for at least a week prior to the BioRePeel. Sunburned skin is not suitable for the treatment.

    Arrive with a Clean Face:

    Come to your appointment with a clean face, free from makeup and skincare products.

    Post-Treatment Instructions

    Avoid Sun Exposure:

    Protect your skin from direct sunlight for at least 48 hours after the BioRePeel. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher if you need to be outdoors.

    Refrain from Exfoliating Products:

    Avoid using exfoliating products, retinoids, or products containing retinol for several days after the BioRePeel.

    Stay Hydrated:

    Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and promote overall skin health.

    Use Gentle Skincare Products:

    Stick to gentle, hydrating skincare products after the BioRePeel. Consult with your skincare professional if you have any doubts about your post-treatment routine.

    Avoid Saunas and Hot Baths:

    Skip saunas, hot baths, and excessive heat exposure for at least 48 hours post-treatment to prevent irritation.

    Do Not Pick or Squeeze:

    Refrain from picking, squeezing, or scratching the treated area to avoid irritation and infection.

    Be Patient:

    Allow time for your skin to heal and for the results of the BioRePeel to become apparent. Results may vary, and multiple sessions may be recommended for optimal outcomes.

  • Our goal is to provide quality aesthetic treatments to all our clients in a timely manner. No-shows, late arrivals, and cancellations inconvenience not only our providers, but our other clients as well. Please be aware of our policy regarding missed appointments. Your appointments and well-being are very important to us. We understand that sometimes unexpected issues arise.

    Appointment Cancellation

    Our policy enforces a late cancellation fee for cancellations made with less than a 72-hour notice. It is important to understand that you will forfeit your deposit for any appointment cancelled inside the 72-hour cancellation window. If you no call/no show, in addition to forfeiting your deposit, you will be charged a fee of $100. We take No call/No shows very seriously. We make all efforts to avoid these fees for you by sending multiple texts and email reminders that allow ample time to cancel or reschedule your appt with us.

    When you book your appointment, you are holding a space on our calendar that is no longer available to our other clients. To hold this appointment, we require a credit card on file, and partially refundable $75 deposit for appointments under 30 mins ($67.50 will be refunded), and $200 partially refundable deposit for appointments over 30 mins ($180 will be refunded). Shorter appointments with our estheticians require a smaller deposit and are partially refundable. Other appointment deposits many vary. The deposit will be applied toward the cost of your treatment and is partially refundable if you do not receive treatment at the time of your appointment. In order to be respectful of your fellow clients, please notify your Crawford Cosmetics provider as soon as you know you will not be able to make your appointment.

    Please note, if you are more then 10 minutes late for your scheduled appointment, your appointment will be automatically cancelled, you will lose your deposit, and will be charged the additional no show fee of $100.

    If cancellation is necessary, we require that you call, text, or cancel online at least 72 hours in advance. Appointments are in high demand, and your advanced notice will allow another client access to that appointment time. As we are closed over the weekend, if you have a Monday appointment, we require that you cancel the Wednesday before by 5pm. If you have a Tuesday appointment, we require that you cancel the Thursday before by 5pm at the latest. Appointments are in high demand, and your advanced notice will allow another client access to that appointment time.

    How to Cancel Your Appointment

    If you need to cancel your appointment and are enrolled in text message reminders, you can reply "no" to the reminder text that you will receive 4 days prior to the appointment. Other options are: cancel online, call or text the scheduling line, Port Huron (248) 285-9876 or Royal Oak (248) 221-1895, during regular business hours, or text your Crawford Cosmetics provider. If necessary, please leave a detailed voicemail message and we will return your call as soon as possible. Please note, if you cancel your appointment through our automatic text message reminder or online, you must reach out to us for the refund, as is not returned automatically and remains on file unless a refund is requested.

    Late Cancellations vs. No-Shows

    A cancellation is considered late when the appointment is cancelled with less than 72 hours' notice. A no-show is when a client misses an appointment without cancelling.

    It is important to understand that you will forfeit your deposit for any appointment cancelled inside the 72hour cancellation window. If you no call/no show, in addition to forfeiting your deposit, you will be charged a fee of $100. These fees will automatically be applied to the credit card on file. If the credit card is rejected, any fee that is owed must be paid in full prior to booking any future appointments.

    I confirm that I have read, understand and agree to the above policy.

VI Peel

VI Body Peel

The peel for sunspots and pigmented skin - Hyperpigmentation is a condition when patches of skin become darker than the surrounding skin.  VI Body Peel is specially formulated for pigmented skin and helps reduce the appearance of age spots, brightens stubborn areas of discoloration such as melasma, and smooths away rough skin texture.

VI Peel Purify with Precision Plus

The peel for acne scars and skin damage - VI Purify with Precision Plus is specifically formulated for acne scars helping to smooth skin texture and repair acne scars, brighten dark areas left after an acne scar, and soothe inflammation and redness.

VI Peel with Precision Plus

The peel for sunspots and pigmented skin - Hyperpigmentation is a condition when patches of skin become darker than the surrounding skin.  VI Peel Precision Plus is specially formulated for pigmented skin and helps reduce the appearance of age spots, brightens stubborn areas of discoloration such as melasma, and smooths away rough skin texture.

  • VI Peel Body - Large

    $325 / $275 CC

    VI Peel Body - Small

    $290 / $240 CC

    VI Peel Purify with Precision Plus

    $250 / $200 CC

    VI Peel with Precision Plus

    $250 / $200 CC

  • The purpose of this consent form is to provide written information regarding the risks, benefits and alternatives of treatment with chemical peels. This material serves as a supplement to the discussion you have with your Crawford Cosmetics provider. It’s important that you fully understand this material, so please read this information thoroughly. If you have any questions regarding the procedure, ask your Crawford Cosmetics provider prior to signing this consent form.


    Chemical peels are used for numerous purposes, including reduction of fine lines, wrinkles, scarring, hyperpigmentation, and skin rejuvenation and skin tightening. Chemical peels are a form of chemical exfoliation, and are used to slough off the dull, top layers of skin, and stimulate fresh healthy skin cells underneath. This accelerates cell turnover and stimulation of collagen-making cells. The depth and intensity of the peel depends on the specific type of chemical solution used, and the technique of application. You may experience some stinging or burning during application of the peel, but overall, treatment is usually tolerated without significant difficulty. Following the procedure, a skin peeling effect is normal, and the skin may feel tight, dry, and sensitive to touch for a number of days. For some patients, especially darker skin types, we may advise a specific pre- and post treatment skincare regimen, in order to calm melanocytes and avoid post-treatment hyperpigmentation.


    Most patients are pleased with the results of their chemical peel treatment. However, like any aesthetic procedure, there is no guarantee that you will be completely satisfied. There is no guarantee that your skin condition will disappear completely, or that you will not require additional treatment to achieve the results you seek. Multiple treatments are needed to achieve a full effect, with a usual recommendation of 3-6 treatments, spaced a number of weeks apart. Additional treatments may be required periodically, generally every 6-12 months. The results of treatment are dependent on many factors including but not limited to: age, sex, tissue condilions, your general health and lifestyleconditions, and sun exposure.

    AFTERCARE INSTRUCTIONS Following your chemical peel, we'll provide you with verbal and/or written aftercare instructions. These include, but may not be limited to the following: 1)Await the recommended amount of time to cleanse your face (this will depend on the specific type of peel used); 2) Use a gentle cleanser twice daily, and apply calming moisturizer with SPF as often as needed; 3) Apply any recommended post-peel towelettes or topical hydrocortisone as directed; 4) Okay to resume hydroquinone or tretinoin once skin flaking has subsided, around 2-7 days; 5) Avoid vigorous exercise, sauna, jacuzzi or swimming for 72 hour or while actively peelings,6) Okay to resume regular makeup once peel has been washed from the skin; 7) Avoid intentional sun exposure for at least 2 weeks; 8) Abstain from facial laser treatments, waxing, microdermabrasion and microneedling for at least 2 weeks; 9) If at any time you suspect you're having an unexpected side effect, adverse reaction or complication, contact us immediately, and obtain help in an appropriate medical setting (i.e., Crawford Cosmetics, your primary care provider, specialist, urgent care, or acute care facility). I will adhere to the aftercare instructions supplied to me during my visit.


    Before undergoing this procedure, understanding the risks is essential. The following risks may occur, but there may be unforeseen risks and risks that are not included on this list. Some of these risks, if they occur, may necessitate hospitalization, and/or extended outpatient therapy. There are certain inherent and potential risks and side effects in any dermatologic procedure, and in this specific instance such risks include but are not limited to: 1) Temporary redness and mild sunburn-like effect; 2) Flaking or dryness of the skin, and in rare cases scab formation; 3) Scarring (usually from picking prematurely at the skln); 4) Rarely, post treatment bacterial, and/or fungal infection requiring further treatment; 5) Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation which can occur infrequently, and may resolve or remain permanent, and may require further treatment and follow up; 6) Post treatment discomfort/swelling.


    I am not aware that I am pregnant. I am not trying to get pregnant. I am not lactating (nursing). I do not have active herpes, active cold sores, psoriasis, warts, raised moles, sunburn, or active skin infection. I have not taken Accutane in the past six months. I have not had laser treatment, waxing, or microneedling in the last week.


    I understand that this is an elective procedure with the goal of improved aesthetic appearance and that the main alternative to therapy is to observe and not receive any treatment. Other available therapies might include sun protection, moisturizers, injectables, skin resurfacing, or surgery.


    I understand that my chemical peel treatment is not covered by insurance, and payment is my responsibility and is expected at the time of treatment.


    I understand that I have the right to discontinue my chemical peel treatment at any time.


    I hereby indemnify Crawford Cosmetics, LLC from any liability relating to the procedures that I have volunteered for. I understand that any treatment performed is between me and the doctor/healthcare provider who is treating me and I will direct all post-treatment questions or concerns to the treating clinician. Furthermore, I hereby indemnify the facility/meeting room/hotel where this treatment is being performed from any liability relating to the procedures that I have volunteered for.


    I hereby voluntarily consent to treatment with chemical peel for the purpose of general skin rejuvenation and improvement of wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, scarring and acne, as performed by my Crawford Cosmetics provider, and assistant technicians. I have read the above and understand it. I state that I read and write in English. I am not under the influence of drugs or alcohol. The treatment has been fully explained to me and my questions have been answered satisfactorily. I accept the risks and complications of this elective procedure and I understand that no guarantees are implied as to the outcome of the procedure. Please note this consent is valid for all future chemical peel treatments I choose to receive from Crawford Cosmetics.

  • Pre-Treatment

    Discontinue Certain Products:

    Avoid using retinoids or products containing retinol for several days before the treatment, as these may increase skin sensitivity.

    Discontinue Exfoliating Products:

    Stop using harsh exfoliants or chemical peels at least one week before the BioRePeel.

    Inform About Medications:

    Inform your skincare professional about any medications or supplements you are taking, as certain medications may affect the treatment.

    Avoid Sun Exposure:

    Minimize sun exposure and tanning beds for at least a week prior to the BioRePeel. Sunburned skin is not suitable for the treatment.

    Arrive with a Clean Face:

    Come to your appointment with a clean face, free from makeup and skincare products.

    Post-Treatment Instructions

    Avoid Sun Exposure:

    Protect your skin from direct sunlight for at least 48 hours after the BioRePeel. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher if you need to be outdoors.

    Refrain from Exfoliating Products:

    Avoid using exfoliating products, retinoids, or products containing retinol for several days after the BioRePeel.

    Stay Hydrated:

    Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and promote overall skin health.

    Use Gentle Skincare Products:

    Stick to gentle, hydrating skincare products after the BioRePeel. Consult with your skincare professional if you have any doubts about your post-treatment routine.

    Avoid Saunas and Hot Baths:

    Skip saunas, hot baths, and excessive heat exposure for at least 48 hours post-treatment to prevent irritation.

    Do Not Pick or Squeeze:

    Refrain from picking, squeezing, or scratching the treated area to avoid irritation and infection.

    Be Patient:

    Allow time for your skin to heal and for the results of the BioRePeel to become apparent. Results may vary, and multiple sessions may be recommended for optimal outcomes.

  • Our goal is to provide quality aesthetic treatments to all our clients in a timely manner. No-shows, late arrivals, and cancellations inconvenience not only our providers, but our other clients as well. Please be aware of our policy regarding missed appointments. Your appointments and well-being are very important to us. We understand that sometimes unexpected issues arise.

    Appointment Cancellation

    Our policy enforces a late cancellation fee for cancellations made with less than a 72-hour notice. It is important to understand that you will forfeit your deposit for any appointment cancelled inside the 72-hour cancellation window. If you no call/no show, in addition to forfeiting your deposit, you will be charged a fee of $100. We take No call/No shows very seriously. We make all efforts to avoid these fees for you by sending multiple texts and email reminders that allow ample time to cancel or reschedule your appt with us.

    When you book your appointment, you are holding a space on our calendar that is no longer available to our other clients. To hold this appointment, we require a credit card on file, and partially refundable $75 deposit for appointments under 30 mins ($67.50 will be refunded), and $200 partially refundable deposit for appointments over 30 mins ($180 will be refunded). Shorter appointments with our estheticians require a smaller deposit and are partially refundable. Other appointment deposits many vary. The deposit will be applied toward the cost of your treatment and is partially refundable if you do not receive treatment at the time of your appointment. In order to be respectful of your fellow clients, please notify your Crawford Cosmetics provider as soon as you know you will not be able to make your appointment.

    Please note, if you are more then 10 minutes late for your scheduled appointment, your appointment will be automatically cancelled, you will lose your deposit, and will be charged the additional no show fee of $100.

    If cancellation is necessary, we require that you call, text, or cancel online at least 72 hours in advance. Appointments are in high demand, and your advanced notice will allow another client access to that appointment time. As we are closed over the weekend, if you have a Monday appointment, we require that you cancel the Wednesday before by 5pm. If you have a Tuesday appointment, we require that you cancel the Thursday before by 5pm at the latest. Appointments are in high demand, and your advanced notice will allow another client access to that appointment time.

    How to Cancel Your Appointment

    If you need to cancel your appointment and are enrolled in text message reminders, you can reply "no" to the reminder text that you will receive 4 days prior to the appointment. Other options are: cancel online, call or text the scheduling line, Port Huron (248) 285-9876 or Royal Oak (248) 221-1895, during regular business hours, or text your Crawford Cosmetics provider. If necessary, please leave a detailed voicemail message and we will return your call as soon as possible. Please note, if you cancel your appointment through our automatic text message reminder or online, you must reach out to us for the refund, as is not returned automatically and remains on file unless a refund is requested.

    Late Cancellations vs. No-Shows

    A cancellation is considered late when the appointment is cancelled with less than 72 hours' notice. A no-show is when a client misses an appointment without cancelling.

    It is important to understand that you will forfeit your deposit for any appointment cancelled inside the 72hour cancellation window. If you no call/no show, in addition to forfeiting your deposit, you will be charged a fee of $100. These fees will automatically be applied to the credit card on file. If the credit card is rejected, any fee that is owed must be paid in full prior to booking any future appointments.

    I confirm that I have read, understand and agree to the above policy.